Palm Sunday and Revisiting my Religious Identity

Happy Palm Sunday everyone! Today is the day that Christians around the world celebrate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem for the Passover festival. If we could time-machine back to this day, we would be amongst a throng of cheering people, hearing the shouts of “Hoshia-na! Baruch ha-ba b’shem Adonai! Blessed is He who comes … Continue reading Palm Sunday and Revisiting my Religious Identity

Why did the Pope order Catholics to put a Rooster weathervane on top of their churches?

Yes, you read that title correctly. It actually sounds like the opening line of a joke. Yet, this is no joking matter. It was so serious in fact, that the Pope, Nicholas I, decreed in the 9th century that all Roman Catholic churches should have a rooster weathervane on its spiral or steeple. The question … Continue reading Why did the Pope order Catholics to put a Rooster weathervane on top of their churches?

Days Gone By: Enjoying The Moments Before They Are Gone

I won't keep you long today, but I wanted to share two thoughts with you. Being a parent sometimes isn't easy. It can be stressful; while other days can be down right nuts-o. Even though it is one of the most rewarding things in life - having the responsibility to love, guide, support and parent … Continue reading Days Gone By: Enjoying The Moments Before They Are Gone

Short and Sweet: “Look me in the eyes!” and Learning To Reject Unhelpful Anger – The Biblical Way

TheEasonClan Copyright. Created by XerxesInEaster It seems that as time passes by, the comical drama reaches another level here at the Clan. Whether it's Isaac's funny facial expressions - that probably would have made Jim Varney crack a smile - or Ava's abrupt comments that can stop you in your tracks; the Twins keep ramping … Continue reading Short and Sweet: “Look me in the eyes!” and Learning To Reject Unhelpful Anger – The Biblical Way