Our Roots

Welcome to “The Eason Clan!” Originally what started as a joke by my cousin – who said that my family and property should be called the “Eason Ranch” – I quickly became attached to the name. When I think of a ranch, I picture a family helping one another and working together through life’s ups and downs, no matter what comes.

One day as I was reading my Bible, a particular passage stood out to me:

“These were the descendants of Shem, identified by clan, language, territory, and national identity.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭10:31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I continued to read down through a long list of names and I noticed something: each family were divided into clans, which included their past ancestors and land. The records were so meticulous and detailed, your “Clan” defined who you were and where you came from.

During that time your family history literally helped form your identity, reputation and value. For instance if you arrived in a town and introduced yourself, people knew by the new of your family what they might expect from you.

What does your family name say about you? What will your legacy be once you leave this earth?

I felt for years that I had something to share and now I am finally doing it. Previously I thought, “If I wait a little longer, get more established in my career and family, then I will have time to write.”

That didn’t work.

It only prolonged what I have wanted to do. Maybe that is you right now, putting off what you should be doing? I encourage you to take a step of faith in the direction of your goal.

Today, you can make a difference and begin forming the legacy of your family name.

Christian Eason